Preface to the seminar
The point of a seminar is, to deepen, to practise and, as far as possible, to practically apply the material of a lecture. The knowledge of the content of the lecture hence is a prerequisite for the participation.
For the reader of this book that’s tantamount to the recommendation, to have read the first part, the edition belonging to the lecture, before<i>. Here the questions concerning the „electromagnetic environmental compatibility“ are asked and the necessary bases for their answering is laid. Also practical consequences for various areas of science are indicated.
The deepening most suitable should be made in form of a seminar, subdivided into the here presented part 2 to the energy technical seminar and a part 3 to the information technical seminar. Part 2 correspondingly concerns the energy technical aspect of electric or magnetic longitudinal waves, whereas part 3 is dedicated to the information technical aspect<ii>. Because it concerns a book which merely for reasons of usefulness is published in three parts, the chapters are consecutively paginated. References to chapter 1 to 9 hence automatically relate to part 1. The numbers of the figures and tables as a rule are identical with those of the chapters, in which they are discussed.
The seminar should lead on over the pure reading, consuming or listening and should stimulate to join in. All involved persons may and should give ideas and ask questions, even if these may sound little orthodox. The scientific working method takes, that is struggled for answers and even is argued, if necessary. To reach this goal, it mustn’t exist any obligation or censorship, neither for the leader of the discussion nor for the participants of the seminar.
The seminar is being carried out since the summer semester 1997. The works of the seminar written by students treat the knowledge of text books of the respective theme. Following the lecture the answers are discussed and compared to those of the theory of objectivity<i> and other models of explanation. This procedure in this edition belonging to the seminar is reflected at some points, if for instance a chapter is completed with a „discussion“.
The first edition of this 2nd part still was incomplete and has been handed out to the participants of a congress in Switzerland instead of a manuscript belonging to the lecture the 17th of Nov 1998. The here presented second edition in the meantime to a large extent is complete, but surely not yet perfect. In accordance with the experience made with the first part of the book also for this 2nd part a third and revised edition, in which the ideas of the participants of the seminar and of the readers find consideration, will be due to be dealt with after a year. The reader of the second edition has to console himself with the fact that a lively seminar constantly is changing and developing further. And that has to be so!
Villingen-Schwenningen, January 1999
<i>: K. Meyl: Electromagnetic environmental compatibility, Part 1, Edition belonging to the
lecture, INDEL Verlagsabt. Villingen-Schwenningen, 1996, 3rd edition. 1998,
ISBN 3-98O2 542-8-3
<ii>: K. Meyl: Electromagnetic environmental compatibility, Part 3, Edition belonging to the
information technical seminar, INDEL Verlagsabteilung, at the earliest from Dec. 2000,
ISBN 3-98O2 542-7-5
Table of contents
10. Oscillating interaction
10.1 Kepler’s laws
10.2 Unknown interaction
10.3 Harmony of the alternating current engineers
10.4 Four fundamental interactions
10.5 Resonating interaction
11. The growing globe
11.1 Long-distance effect of the neutrinos
11.2 Model of expansion
11.3 Ancient Egyptian legend of Genesis
11.4 Inner structure of the earth
11.5 Earth’s core as a converter of neutrinos
11.6 Speed of growth
11.7 Conservation of angular momentum
11.8 Set of difficulties concerning the change of magnetization
11.9 The weakly damped moon
11.10 Calculation of celestial mechanics
11.11 The biblical age
12. New cosmology
12.1 Concerning the formation of our solar system
12.2 The birth of the planets
12.3 The derivation of the Titius-Bode law
12.4 The hollow planet
12.5 Concerning the formation of the universe
12.6 Counter examples concerning the 2nd law of thermodynamics
12.7 Entropy destroying potential vortices
13. Recording of space and time
13.1 The measuring technical debacle
13.2 The clock paradox
13.3 The Tamarack mines experiment
13.4 Field dependent linear measure
13.5 Experiences from space travel
13.6 Spherical aberration
13.7 Irony of the measuring technique
13.8 Discussion of the cosmological insights
14. The way towards free energy
14.1 The liberalization of the energy markets
14.2 The consequences of the liberalization
14.3 The chances of the wind energy
14.4 The chances of being self-sufficient concerning energy
14.5 The space energy technology of nature
14.6 The gap in the energy balance of man
14.7 Carl Freiherr von Reichenbach
14.8 Cold fusion and Genesis
14.9 Photosynthesis
14.10 How nature materializes
14.11 Lightning
14.12 Ball-lightning
14.13 Discussion concerning the neutrino conversion
15. Principle of functioning of space energy
15.1 The course of the field lines
15.2 Gravitation
15.3 Systematizing the interactions
15.4 Magnetic force converter
15.5 The rail gun
15.6 Unipolar induction
15.7 Tending to instability
15.8 Unipolar field configuration
15.9 The Testatika
15.10 The secret of the Testatika
15.11 The key to free energy
16. Space energy technology (SET)
16.1 The unipolar generator
16.2 Derivation of Maxwell’s field equations
16.3 SET-devices with rotating magnetic fields
16.4 Commentary concerning magnetic SET-devices
16.5 RQM and the space quanta manipulator
16.6 SET-devices with pulsed magnetic fields
16.7 SET-devices with Möbius winding
16.8 Möbius converter of Seike and Coler
16.9 Tesla’s flat coil
16.10 The secret of the flat coil
16.11 Discussion concerning the technology of the neutrino collectors
17. Technical use of the weak interaction
17.1 Radioactivity caused by neutrinos
17.2 Nikola Tesla, the discoverer of the neutrino radiation
17.3 Transmutation and reduction of radioactivity
17.4 The Patterson Power Cell
17.5 Report concerning the cold fusion
17.6 Water-Fuel-Cell technology
17.7 Unconventional electro analysis
17.8 Materialization of neutrinos
17.9 Oscillation of size and luminescence
17.10 Phosphorescence and sonoluminescence
17.11 Discussion concerning the use of the weak interaction
18. Physical phenomena
18.1 Water as a catalytic converter for neutrinos
18.2 Background and zero point radiation
18.3 The Casimir effect
18.4 Effects under high tension
18.5 Flying discs
18.6 Propulsion with neutrinos
18.7 Antigravitation or levitation
18.8 Discussion concerning the effect of closed field lines